Friday, March 18, 2011

Birthday Girl!

Our little Sarah turned 2 on wednesday! I can't believe she is already 2...
Recently, she has become very attached to Dora the Explorer, so we had a Dora themed party for her. We invited family over for cake and ice cream.
Before the festivities, we went to storytime and brought cup cakes to share with all of Sarah's little friends. She loved it! Of course, when they sang her Happy Birthday, she glared at them.. ( no surprise there! )

After story time we headed over to Mama and Papa's house. Mama had a neat present for Sarah, a little computer that teaches shapes, colors, and... SPANISH!! Now Sarah can be even more like Dora!

I made her a Dora cake, I think it turned out alright! It looks better than it tastes. The frosting is vanilla, and then it's tinted various colors to make it look like Dora. Brown frosting should be chocolate... at least in my mind. So when I ate a piece of Dora's hair... it just tasted weird! But Sarah was so happy when she saw that she had a Dora cake. Too bad she spent most of her little party glaring at anyone who dared to say Happy Birthday...

At least she got to spend a little time with her favorite person on the planet. Aunt Erynn. She LOVES her Aunt Erynn! She couldn't stay long though, so the smiles didn't stay long either.
We are so glad that Sarah joined our family two years ago. She is such a smart and funny little girl. I look forward to this next year, and seeing her personality blossom. We love you Sarah!

Here are some random pictures from the last few weeks. All the pictures that I have posted have been of the house, so I thought I'd put a few of the kids up...
Ben is sitting up on his own, so I figured with Maddy's help he could join them in the tub. It makes my life so much easier to bathe all three of them at the same time, and they enjoy it too!

Ben LOVES being in the tub with his sisters!

Sarah climbed into the drivers seat when Uncle Ryan came to visit. We were checking up on the progress of the house. She didn't want to get out of that seat! Sorry Sarah, you still have 14 years before I'm ready for that, and even then, I probably won't be ready!

Now for the weekly update on the house.... except it is from last week! oops!
They have started to put on the siding. I'm loving the color... it's a soft yellow, and I was worried that it would be to bright, but it's perfect.

The original plan for this house has a solid door going into the breakfast nook area. Since we shortened the windows in order to put in a desk, the builder didn't think we had enough light. So he put in a french door, at no extra cost to us... YAY! I am SO happy about that door....

As for the interior, it is now taped and mudded. Next they have to sand and prime, and then the cabinets and counter tops will be installed!
family room/dining room

dining room/kitchen



Master bedroom
Hopefully they will move our closing date up a week. We won't know for sure for another 7-10 days. I can't wait!

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