Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!! Maddy and Sarah had a blast with some marshmellow pops that Mamacheri gave them. Sarah wasted no time... she dived right in and didn't slow down at all. Maddy on the other hand was not too sure she wanted to eat the colorful and squishy rope on a stick....
After holding it for a few minutes she did give it a try.

Sarah.... Well she ate that thing like she had been starving her entire life! She just ate and ate, and paused to say "Mmmmm" a few times between bites.

I realize that this is a lot of pictures of two children eating candy... I just thought that it was so funny! I couldn't get enough of Sarah eating with no hesitation and Maddy being cautious. Notice how Sarah's marshmellow is torn to shreds, and Maddy's is pretty much intact.

Their dresses are too cute! Josephs cousin bought them for the girls.... I LOVE when they match. They got another set of matching dresses that I will post as soon as they wear them!

Maddy decided in the end that marshmellows were not for her. She gladly gave it to Sarah, who definately didn't need any sugar added to her system! Thank You Mamacheri for Valentines Day treats!

Little Sarah is just weeks away from her first birthday! I can't believe how fast this year has gone. She has got a head full of hair and tons of personality to go with it. She said "Cocoa" yesterday (our cat's name) so now she can say: Dadda, Mamma, Thank you, Cocoa, and she says SSSSSSS for Sarah. She also is really in to babbling the last few days. She'll point to something and just go off like she knows exactly what she's talking about. I love it.

Life is pretty good! We are about half way through the wait for #3! It is going by way to fast! Only a little more than 4 months to go... We are having the anatomy ultrasound on March 4th, and NO we're not finding out if this baby is a boy or a girl! Where is the fun in that? I will post pictures of the baby if they turn out good...

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