These pictures were taken when Sarah was a week old... She has already changed so much!! She has gotten so chubby! She definately does not take after her big sister in that department!
My Brother-in-law's wife is a photographer...and took the cutest newborn pictures of Sarah. Her little feet are so soft!
She even made the bows that Sarah is wearing...
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Sarah in her Easter dress
Maddy on her Easter Egg hunt at Grandmama's house. She got to find eggs for her and for Sarah! She had a blast, and now everytime we go to grandmama's house she will expect an egg hunt!
Uncle Ryan (Joseph's brother) colored eggs and Maddy decorated them with stickers
Maddy and Sarah in their sundresses..Maddy loves to hold her baby Sarah...I don't know if baby Sarah loves to be held though...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
My best friend Erin came to visit the week after Sarah was born...She brought her 18 month old daughter Natalie too, and we got to spend the whole week together. I'm glad they got to meet Sarah when they did... Maddy was 18 months old when they met her for the first time!
Erin's husband sent flowers to Erin, and some for me and Sarah.... Maddy and Natalie were admiring Erin's roses in this picture.
Maddy loved having a friend to play "snacks" with. Joseph was glad too because he had a break from Maddy... She insists on playing with him every second she can. Resting and relaxing is not an option for him. If he's home-he had better be playing with her...
Natalie and Maddy watching Sarah's every move
Maddy and Natalie had a blast playing the piano together! Maddy really thinks she is playing what is on the page... she will play and sing whatever song comes to mind, and when she is done with that song she will turn the page and sing a different one. This can go on for quite sometime... she knows A LOT of songs.
Erin took this picture of Sarah. She looks deep in thought...She has a lot to think about! Eating, sleeping, and filling diapers. At her two week check up she weighed in at 9lbs 4oz, and 21.5 inches long!! If she keeps this up, she will weigh more than her big sister!!
Me and my girls
Sarah had her head resting on my shoulder when she decided she was hungry... she just popped her head right up and got a hold of my nose!!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Sarah is holding her head up so well! I guess its because she's a chunk!! She is sitting in the bumbo seat - with her mouth open as always!!